Thursday, July 15, 2021

Day 25, Home again

Woke up to another gloriously sunny day. I had breakfast and then got ready to leave. A prod of Ginny's start button produced nothing but a whirring sound. Hmm. Another prod, same result. My heart sank. All this way and for it all to end with the final journey still to do and a call to the RAC. It sounded like something wasn't engaging, the starter motor maybe. Why I thought that moving the bike would help I don't know but I flipped up the sidestand and wheeled her back slightly. One more prod on the button and Ginny burst into life. Relief swept through me.

Just around the corner from hotel is an Asda, where I fuelled up. Then, it was onto the M4 for the last 186 miles of the tour.

Despite the forecast, once I'd crossed the Prince of Wales Bridge, it clouded over. Not cold by any means, just not sunny or the heat of Wales. It stayed that way all the way home. 

I arrived home at 12:20, after a smooth and uneventful ride. Another tour over.

I'll get some stats together soon, then I can turn my attention to next year's tour, Italy. 

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